About the Centre

The Aerospace R&D Centre is a research and development division of the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI). The Centre serves as a scientific and technical base for training of masters and postgraduates of the SUAI Department of Aerospace Computer and Software Systems.
The Centre has a great competence in aerospace industry:
- It is the leading Russian centre in the development of the international data protocol SpaceWire. The Centre actively participates in the development of the standard, demonstrating the achievements at international conferences;
- The team of professionals certified by Cadence designs digital circuits for computing devices (FPGA / ASIC), network elements and IP-blocks, sometimes using components from our domestic partners – ELVEES company;
- The Centre actively cooperates and implements joint projects with “Information Satellite Systems” named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev”: development of a data transmission protocol for spacecraft, CAD for the design of on-board satellite networks;
- The Centre have experience in designing integrated modular avionics (IMA2), including a joint project with “Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Equipment”.

Other business line of the Aerospace R&D Centre is Embedded Software Design for various domains (image processing, microcontrollers, etc.). Long-term experience of the Centre was implemented in creation and active development of a visual integrated environment for the portable software development for embedded multi-core systems (VIPE). The Centre actively participates in international projects and develops technologies in this direction.
IHPCNT – the division that was extended to Aerospace R&D Centre – represents SUAI in Industry Association is the association for actors in Embedded & Cyber-Physical Systems within Europe since 2009. Institute was the only representative of the Russian Federation in this technological platform.
IHPCNT presented the following project ideas:
- 2011 – ADoSESD
- 2012 – Omega-HES
- 2017 – FOG 2.0
The IHPCNT participated in several proposals and took part in a successfully finished project PaPP (Portable and Predictable Performance on Heterogeneous Embedded Manycores).
- 1 Professors (Doctors of Science)
- 4 Associate professors (PhD)
- 3 Senior researchers (PhD)
- 8 Researchers
- 10 Programmers and Engineers
- 8 Post-graduate students
Total: 26 + Master’s degree students, bachelor’s degree students
Aerospace R&D Centre is a center for Research and Development of hardware and software for on-board systems. The Centre designs prototypes of software-hardware modules. The Centre has a long-term experience in system software development, including real-time operating systems, embedded software for microprocessors and microcontrollers, network packages. Since the nineties, the IHPCNT institute and then Aerospace R&D Centre has started research and development of the electronic component base (ECB). The Centre has practical experience in the professional design flow (a package of CAD packages) used by Cadence, has a licensed software (a complete set with the right to use for educational and research purposes), professional staff trained in the Cadence training center in Munich. The Centre specialists have practical experience in designing ECB and system-on-chip together with domestic design centers. A number of ECB products developed with the participation of specialists from the ICentre are serially produced by the manufacturer from Russian electronic industry (ELVEES).
The Aerospace R&D Centre team constantly expands its knowledge to create promising technologies and projects. An example would be a development of a concept of the second generation Fog computing and the concept of reconfigurable radio systems.